Sunday, July 17, 2005

well this is fun!

wow...sometimes i amaze even myself. but i can't take all the credit for this one. no, my friend in Utah deserves most of the credit, as he is the one who taught me what little html coding i know. i'm finding that all you need is a little, because once you catch on it's easy to follow, especially if you pay attention to the coding aroung things you recognize. take this very blog for instance. you'll notice to the right there are different categories: Links, Webcomics, and Archives. a moment ago, there was only "Links" and "Archives," but i figured out how to add the other one in myself. i also figured out how to add the links underneath each category into the template. if you have no idea what i'm talking about, i apologize. i'm a bit of a computer nerd and this is really exciting for me to be able to do stuff. ;P



At 1:44 AM, Blogger Erin Duncan said...

well thanks! i feel so loved. ^_^ what's your SN on PT? i'll try to keep this updated fairly regularly, but with my work schedule and trying to get ready to go back to school in a month things are getting a little hectic. :/ i'll do my best though. thanks again for reading!


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