Thursday, November 09, 2006


Well, I signed up for next semester's classes last night right at midnight, just to make sure the ones I need/want didn't fill up before I could get a chance. I was looking at my weekly schedule and thinking, "dang...what the crap was I on when I decided to be an art major!?" o_O I mean, I know college is supposed to be hard work and all, but here's the rundown on my schedule. Assuming that I actually am a good student and go to class every day and really apply myself at all my homework and projects, I will have zero free time during the week, and possibly not on the weekend either. Work from 8-11 in the morning, class from 11am-5/6pm depending on the day, homework/projects, try to squeeze in something to eat somewhere in there, sleep, repeat. >_<

It will be worth it to have a degree, but it's times like these that I seriously wonder if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be. I mean, the prophet has said that it's good for women to get a degree, but the summer/fall before I started attending BYU-I, I had the chance to be hired onto my temp. job in the State Farm mailroom and I could have been set, pretty much. Did I feel the Spirit wrong? Was that my ideal choice, or is there still more for me here and I just need to stick it out? I mean, there are all kinds of awesome LDS returned missionaries up here, but I have yet to go out on a date that wasn't with an FHE brother "just for fun." I mean, that's half of why I came up here: to find my match. But at this rate, I'll be graduated and have a job back in California before I so much as date anyone seriously.

What thinkest thou, my friends?


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