Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Take Two

Well, I didn't end up getting a pumpkin. Things like reading two chapters for my Auto class and doing my Religion homework got in the way. Oh and of course I took some pics of a couple of my friends and had them take some of me.

I've decided this Jedi needs to lose some weight. How am I supposed to fly through the air and battle with ease with this... gut thing...out in front? A bike is out, because it's getting very cold and that can only mean snow is on the way. There's always the stationary ones in the gym, but they don't shed pounds very quickly. I'm not supposed to run, because it wouldn't be good on my knees and legs until there's less weight on the top and I have no endurance anyway. Walking...well, I guess that would work. The only trick there is it takes a large amount of walking time to really cut back on the poundage, and I have limited time with all the homework and studying I have to do. :| Any ideas? I tend to slack off on exercise because I get bored even with my MP3 player by my side.


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