Thursday, October 27, 2005


ok, i just decided today that not only do people not know how to drive around here, but people do not know how to WALK either! >_< and the combination of both is really starting to get on my nerves.

to start with the drivers, there are VERY few places in Rexburg where the speed limit goes above 25, and when it does change, it's only 35 at the most. even someone who'd never been here before would be able to see the 50 billion limit signs posted every 5 feet or so and follow them. but no...people go whipping by at 40+ because they're too lazy to get up in plenty of time to find a parking spot. they pay no attention to the fact that people are constantly crossing the street to get to class, and they don't seem to understand that when a person is in a crosswalk, you STOP to let them cross!

which brings me to the second half of my rant. i am finding that pedestrians don't seem to know the function of a crosswalk. this is partly because people are too lazy to walk a few extra feet to use one, and instead choose to play chicken with the speeding drivers. but what bugs me to no end is watching people stand at a crosswalk and watch the cars go by. how much sense does that make? the jaywalkers pay no attention and just book it across, while the people at the crosswalk just stand there as if they had no right of way! o_0

i had both happen today, one even right after the other. first, i made sure the drivers coming had plenty of time to see me and stop accordingly, then i stepped out. it's a good thing i waited to make sure they were slowing down though, because not only did the person heading East completely ignore the crosswalk rules and go flying by me, but the one going West didn't even slow down either! i had to stand in the middle of the road and let HER go by. >_< then, at the other crosswalk to my apartment complex, this girl just stands there and waits because a van has its turn signal on in the direction of going across the crosswalk. it is politely waiting for her to go by, but she just stands there looking around like "maybe if they think i don't see them they'll just go." i walked right past her into the crosswalk and waved at the van politely. i didn't look back to see if she followed.

ok. rant over. i feel better now. but i still have a headache. -_-


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