Thursday, September 01, 2005

the Y, the I, and the H

i guess i promised a post about school awhile back. not that anyone in their right mind really cares that much about school ;P, but my blog is in need of an update and this makes good subject material.

so, i attend college at Brigham Young University-Idaho. i know many of you have heard of the original, regular old BYU (a.k.a "that Mormon school"), and that's in Provo, Utah. well, what many people who aren't members of my church don't know is that there are now three Brigham Young Universities/"Mormon schools." BYU is, as i said, in Provo Utah, BYU-Hawaii is in Laie, Hawaii, and BYU-Idaho, which used to be Ricks College, is in Rexburg, Idaho. as i call them, the Y (Utah, referring to just the middle initial), the I (Idaho), and the H (Hawaii). you get it, right? right. anyways, when i first started back in January of '04, i declared myself a music major. i've since discovered that it's just a bit too competitive for my taste and i've settled on a graphic design major. i wanted to be an automotive major, but my parents didn't want me to go off to a big university and spend the big bucks doing something i could just go to a tech school for. so with many pouts and raised voices (ok, not really, i'm happy with my decision) i decided to get my Bachelor's doing something else i really enjoy doing, and then either minoring in automotive (won't happen now) or going to a tech school afterwards (this will work ^_^ ). besides, with my graphic design experience i could either advertise cars and work with them closely that way, or i could actually design cars themselves and test out my creations! how sweet would that be?!

this semester i'm taking Drawing I, Art History II (required for art majors but so far it's actually pretty interesting because my teacher is awesome *thumbs up*), Intro to Graphic Design, Book of Mormon II, and a Biology lab that will officially complete my general education besides religion classes. drawing is good so far but he's making us do freehand, two-point perspectives without the points. for example, we had to draw the cube sitting in front of us without rulers and as if the edges were all converging on vanishing points we didn't exactly know where they were, rather than each edge being parallel, you know what i mean? gah, it was hard and my hand is not very steady. :/

class in 15. later later.


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