ugh. the word just commands a certain amount of respect and fear, doesn't, it's the start of a brand new semester at BYU-Idaho, and a rocky start at that. i didn't work over the three-week Christmas Break, and i spent the paycheck i got over the break on Christmas presents for friends and family. what i completely forgot about was that i needed enough to pay for January rent, which would have been fine had i not spent the paycheck over the break. so i was forced to go ask Dad for help...which shows my utter desperation for help. lucky for me he loves me and though he wasn't happy about it and i got an earful for my stupidity, he and Mom sent not just the bare amount of what i needed, but a little extra to help with food and class supplies. i'm just barely going to make it; i'll have just enough to pay tithing, have just enough food to last me, and get all the books and supplies for my class. i'm really grateful for my parents and my Heavenly Father for helping me through this, despite the mistakes i make.
oh and check this, i just spent $13 on a paintbrush, and $9 on another! the black binder sketchbook i bought cost as much as that larger freakin' A ridiculous! being an Art major is expensive. >.< but i hope it will be worth it when all is said and done.
also, i just noticed that while my overall GPA of 3.245 is not bad, it's been dropping every semester, and that's not good. i've determined to get at least 2 or 3 A's among the rest B's this semester, if not straight A's, because it's more than doable.
oh and we won't go into my experience with the twins' old Cadillac today, because i'm already having to endure endless torment from Trent about that. -_- let's just say that until two hours ago, i didn't know old cars used to have separate keys to open the doors and turn the ignition. i do now, and i will never forget.
Hey. You don't know me, but I saw you comment on Ian's blog. My sister goes to BYU-I, too.
Parents are good like that. Well, at least mine are, and yours look like they are :)
hey nice to meetcha. ^_^
ya, they're awesome. dad and i butt heads a lot, but in the end he still loves me, and that's all that matters. :)
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