Saturday, November 18, 2006

Proof that the world is getting worse

Basically, some guy dressed in a purple fur coat and purple-with-leopard-print hat and sunglasses waits in line for a PS3, buys it, walks out of the store triumphantly, and then promptly drops it on the ground while another guy smashes it with a sledgehammer. All in front of the rest of the crowd who have been waiting in line forever, and some of whom won't even get one because there weren't enough made to begin with.

Here is what I have to say to them:
"Way to waste 600 bucks on an overpriced, underproduced product that millions would pay you at LEAST twice the retail for, and for what? Just to piss people off? Yyyyyeah. Way to waste the two brain cells you had to rub together."

Oh, and apparently they bought TWO. They're auctioning the other off on ebay. I hope no one bids on it. >.<


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