Wednesday, July 02, 2008

new awesomeness

So I've had the old lappy, a Dell Inspiron 1000, for almost four years now. It's been a good run overall, and it was the first computer I ever bought with my own money. But let's face the statistics here. I bought it for around $1200, and that was cheap four years ago for the specs it has. It came with 256 MB of RAM, which I upgraded to around 756 MB and that still doesn't cut it these days. It's only got a 40 GB hard drive, which was only moderately good even back then. And don't even get me started on processor speed (or in this case, the lack thereof) and video card crappiness. It was decent for when I needed it, but it's seriously been time to upgrade for awhile. I had the money, so I figured, what the heck, might as well do it while I'm thinking about it.

So is the shiz. Only took my friend David and I about ten minutes to land on a really nice laptop for a little more than half of what I paid for the crappy lappy. (Heh.) Dual-core processor, kick-butt graphics card, 3 GB RAM, 160 GB hard drive, etc. But what really sold me was the fact that it is NOT running Vista. Windows XP all the way! Sorry for those who actually like Vista; considering the new compy has been nothing but trouble since day one, I am currently not a fan. I've only had this thing for 7 months, and already it's BSoD'ed several times. SEVERAL, mind you. It doesn't like anything I try to load onto it, it restarts itself randomly every single day, the constant "are you sure, are you REALLY sure" prompts are ridiculous, and etc. etc. etc. With XP on the new lappy, everything loads RIGHT when I click it. Nay, BEFORE I click it.

Vista would hog at least half of everything and not even run very fast in return. It's pretty and all, but I'm sick of sacrificing looks for performance. When you buy a Porsche, you expect it to go as well as it shows. Why shouldn't we expect the same of our operating system? Eh? Eh? ^^


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