Friday, September 12, 2008

a couple things

First of all, the first week of school went well. Photography I, Graphic Design, Art History I, and Doctrine & Covenants shouldn't be too hard to keep up with. The trick will be when I finally find a job, which has been made difficult by the fact that the one thing I accidentally left behind during the move this time was my stupid cell phone charger. It wouldn't be a problem, except that my new apartment doesn't even have a land line. At all. So retarded...*mutters* So I've had to keep my phone off rather than be able to make all the phone calls I've needed to make. Hopefully the charger will be here today, if not tomorrow, and then THAT hassle will be out of the way. I'm also waiting on dad's single lens camera, which I should really have thought to bring just in case. They do have cameras for rent but I should have known they'd let us use our own, as well, if we had them, and dad sounded more than willing to send it up. Anyway...

Secondly, I fixed some links on the right there (though you never did tell me the updated URL of your site, Frank :P ) and added some new ones, mostly for my benefit since I use my homepage as my link to everything I visit most often, but you might find interest in them too. *shrug*

Oh, and one final thing. Sam, if you ever find this, I just want you to know that I am sorry. I really did overdo it. But dangit if your actions didn't bring out the worst in me. Lindsey didn't sick me on you; I did it because I had had enough of you AND your friends ganging up on her and I figured she deserved the same right. If she can't blame your friend, then you can't blame me, because she had no idea I was going to send that nasty letter to you. I'm sorry that you think I'm a bad person just based on that one little letter. I assure you I'm not, and despite the hurtful things you've said to Lindsey AND me, you should know that I don't think you're a bad person, even if you think I am. I think what you've said and done were wrong overall, but if you truly are happy with your decisions then good for you. Honestly. I'm sorry things worked out the way they did, and I'm sorry that by the end, you thought that her gifts, both material and otherwise, were only meant to win you back, rather than seeing them for what they truly were: a sincere token of appreciation and thanks for all the good things that came from your friendship while it lasted. The least you could do is accept her admittance of being wrong and her apology as sincere, not fake, before you both move on.

*EDIT* I'm just retarded. Frank's link is fixed. ^^;


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