Saturday, December 16, 2006


Blarg. Haven't had much to talk about lately. But I do today!

Fall semester is letting out pretty quick, as in like, Wednesday. But in light of the fact that my dorm had a "white glove" cleaning inspection today, I am already completely packed up and ready to move into the new dorm, and all ready to go home for Christmas, even though my ride back to California doesn't leave until the 22nd. :| I am SO ready for my bro to move out and GIMME MY FRIGGIN' CAR ALREADY!! >_< I can't wait 'til I can leave whenever the crap I want to instead of having to hitch a ride with someone else.

Anyway. It feels good to have much less stress in my life and be able to just kick back for a day. Christmas party tonight and I'm stoked. ^^_ Later, all. Have a great day.


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