Saturday, January 05, 2008

make up your mind!!!

Ok, so the reason I haven't updated in awhile is because blogspot was blocked on campus for quite awhile, when it never had been before, and once again is no longer. I don't think I will EVER understand what's going through the heads of the people who are in charge of managing the school's servers and firewall. They'll block the stupidest, least dangerous sites, but let you visit some that maybe are more on the questionable side. So retarded.

Anyway, I was in California for a couple of weeks, but I'm now once again back in Idaho. However, all is glorious, for I have my car at last!!!!!!!! The poor thing was iced over this morning, but she started right up and she's handling the ice and snow like a champ. I'm so proud of her. ^_^ She needs a name, but I need to think on the matter for awhile first. My friend Lindsey, whom I picked up on my way through Utah, is calling her Helga for now, but I'm not sure she's a Helga. Maybe. She's certainly nothing cutesy or fancy like Candy or Lady, but not as hefty as Helga, either. Any suggestions?


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