It occurs to me I haven't made a single post in almost two whole months. Oops! Finals and roomie drama and settling back in at home for the summer have kinda thrown me off. That, and having to go back to stupid dial-up. We hates it...we hates it precious! It buuuurns us!!!! >_<*ahem* Anyway, I'm back, and I'll try to keep things a little more up to date from now on. But we all know I've said that before, and life tends to happen pretty often in between. So, that said, let's get on with it, shall we?
Today I took a trip to the dentist for the first time in 6+ months. It turns out I forgot to get a couple cavities filled back in December/January when I came home for Christmas. I've never had a problem with getting them, I just make sure to close my eyes as they bring that needle around to inject the novocaine, and the "pinch" and the soreness afterwards are enough to just tough out. What I have issues with is the effect the novocaine has on my mouth. Not the numbness itself, but the fact that my mouth is so weird with it. It takes two shots on the bottom before I'm no longer sensitive, and then I'm finally able to feel again about four hours later, as opposed to the mere hour and a half that they promise as I leave. Weird. Glad it's over with at least. My cleanings are next month, and then no more dentist for another six months or so. Yay.
And now back to our regularly scheduled REM cycle.
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