Thursday, September 21, 2006

a historic day

Well, today has been pretty exciting for me. First of all, the golden statue of the Angel Moroni was hoisted up and put at the top of the Rexburg temple, which is right across from the south end of campus. And I got to watch! I had to work, so I couldn't go all the way to the temple or anything, but that's ok anyway because traffic was horrible and the view wouldn't have been the same. As it happens, my department and I have a good view from right behind our building of the steeple, so we watched as they hoisted people up to help set it in right, and then the statue itself was slowly raised as well. It was all grey and rainy and gloomy, but it was still neat. Especially given the fact that supposedly, the Angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith on this same date, September 21st.

In other news, this cute guy named James sits next to me in my Auto class. The class afterwards is clear across campus, and he quickened his pace to keep up with me as I booked it and we talked after class before our paths split off into different directions. :D


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