Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's cold!!

My dad called me a couple hours ago just to harass me about Rexburg's current conditions and our forecast. What a jerk. :P

It is currently 12:17pm, and the temperature is -2*F, but it feels like -12*F with the wind chill.

And it was even worse than that earlier! I was wearing a hoodie, a heavy coat, thick gloves, jeans, and thick socks, and I could still feel the bitter cold through it all. My legs and butt were numb when I got to work and when I got home, and it's only about a 10-minute walk. :| I really need to get some thermal bottoms.

And I swear, if I hear just one Californian whine about your "cold", 40+* weather... >.< Lol.


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