Tuesday, January 27, 2009

just a short little update

Since I know at least a few people read me now, (love you guys!), I just wanted to take the time to point out/remind everyone of my little Twitter space to the right, just underneath my profile info. Twitter is an awesome place, and it provides more up-to-the-minute little mini-updates for when I, as Catherine put it, need blogger CPR. xD So when I forget to actually update my blog, please still stop by my site and take a look at the top right there for updates. Those of you who don't already have your own Twitter account should definitely sign up for one and add it to your blog as well. Do it! It's seriously really fun and really cool. And it's free! You can even set it up to send updates from your mobile phone, in case you have something extra epic you want to post, but you're away from computer access and may forget to talk about it later.

Wow. They should totally pay me for that commercial. :D


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