playing catch-up again already
It's probably a good thing my apartment's internet blocks my access to Final Fantasy XI Online, because I'm already finding myself behind on my homework/projects. I'm definitely improving, but it's going to take some serious effort to kick my old procrastination habit. So let's see...For photography, I missed the lab on Monday (as previously mentioned), so I'm going to the one on Friday with my roomie. (We're in the same class, we just have lab on different days.) Before then, though, I have to make a print from my developed negatives, and a proof sheet of the negatives themselves, so that I have it ready to learn how to dry mount it. Have to remember to do that tomorrow right after the art history test. Then we got our first "official" assignment today, which is to get some black and white shots with "light" as the theme. So something with solid lighting and shadows, two 5"x7" prints, due a week from today.
For graphic design, I need to do three 30-minute thumbnail sketch sessions (of "hammerhead, "heartburn," and "headgear"), and then pick one from each and enlarge/tighten/finalize them as logos. I also need to take 20 more creative photos of the rubber, x-shaped tile spacers I picked out for the semester long, 100-photo project. I have until Monday for all of that.
Art history is just a matter of reading the next chapter before Tuesday, and I just have to read the required scriptures for D&C. (OH! And take that quiz before it closes tomorrow night...) I should probably get my little 3-minute presentation thing ready as well, just in case we get to the term I picked for that.
Now that it's all out there, I'm sure I can get it all done. I just need to spread it out over the next 2-3 days and make sure to do it all FIRST before plopping down to do silly things like post a blog entry. :D
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