Thursday, September 18, 2008

long day

Well I had a full day. Woke up at 7 this morning, was out the door at 7:30 to find a parking spot for 8am class. Was in class from 8-9am, finally met a friend I've talked with online several times who just happens to have two classes with me. We both went straight to the campus library, and I worked on my project for 2 hours. Took about half an hour to get it printed out, only to realize that I needed money on my I-card to pay for it and everything else needed to finish the project. Drove home, put money on I-card, grabbed some supplies, went back to campus. Finished the project and turned it in, then went home around 1:10pm. Finished homework for D&C class, took a 15 minute power nap, then walked to the Hinckley building at 3pm. Stayed awake through D&C from 3:15-4:30pm, went to the bookstore to buy my photography book, then hit Tomassito's for a couple slices of pizza and a bubble gum flavored Jones soda (yum!). That gave me just enough energy to get through Art Seminar in the Smith building from 6-7:30pm, then I hiked all the way to my apartment at the top of the hill. (No joke! I live right at the top of the hill across the street from the Rexburg Temple.)

I am thoroughly proud of myself for it all. I did everything I needed to; I didn't miss a class or skip out on homeworks that needed done. I am ub3r l337. I've been reading way too much MegaTokyo.



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