Wednesday, September 17, 2008

does the drama never cease?

It turns out the charger for my cell phone hasn't even gotten in the mail yet. I kinda started to suspect as much a couple of days ago. You can't track a package on the USPS website without a tracking number, and he at least told the truth in that he didn't have a tracking number. He said he tried searching by name, address etc., but I tried myself and you can't. Dude, all you had to do was admit that you dropped the ball on this one. Lying about things only makes me more upset than I would have been originally, and adds stress to my life. I DO NOT NEED THE STRESS this soon into the semester. Even little stresses add up to a big fat mess when all is said and done.

Ok rant over.

On the bright side, I'm so loving where I live, and the people I live with. Not only do I have Lindsey just around the corner on the other side of the building, but now one of my roomies and one of our guy friends are getting addicted to Dance Dance Revolution with me! It's a blast, though I'm a bit jealous of the guy. He played for the first time just this past week, and he's already pretty much on the same level as me, and I've been playing for over two years! Lol. It's great though, having people to play with. I ordered a couple of mats since the one I've had for almost two years is starting to not work so well. Of course, it could also just be that something isn't quite right with the TV. From what I can see, the beat is just BARELY off so that instead of getting "Perfect" on most steps, I'm only getting "Great". I don't know what might be causing that, but it's rather frustrating.


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