Nothing ever was the same for my mom's parents ever since the car crash about 4-5 years ago. Grandpa never did walk again, and barely was able to talk sometimes. Grandma had already showed signs of dementia/Alzheimer's, but the accident seemed to quicken the disease's progress and she ended up in the same care center not all that long before Grandpa passed. Then she was "officially" diagnosed, and it's just been rough since then.Last night, she passed sometime during her sleep. The best way to go, for sure, but it's still hard. I see it as pretty bittersweet though; on the down side, we will surely miss her, and now all four of my grandparents are waiting on the other side. But on the plus side, neither she or my grandpa are alone anymore, and she's no longer suffering from memory loss and such. She was actually doing better than usual, according to one of my aunts, and so it was definitely a shock to get the phone call from my mom this morning. But I'm so glad that it will bring our family together again to reflect on all the good memories of both my grandparents.
I'll be in Utah for a few days. Everyone be good, and please, take advantage of every opportunity to tell your loved ones how much you love them. You only have them in this mortal realm for so long, and even though we see each other again in Heaven, it's a long time in between to wait.
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