Monday, October 26, 2009


Was trying to be clever with the title. *shrug*

This story is actually sorta old, considering I've had my new phone since, oh...June? July? I don't remember. But I got it about halfway through the summer. I think. Anyway, it's been awhile.

My old phone, a cute little red LG Chocolate, was my favorite toy. The one before that had also been my favorite toy, but unlike *that* one, the Chocolate never gave me any troubles until the very bitter end. I had a LOT of good pictures on it and had been starting to email them to myself when one day it just up and turned itself off (with about 3/4 of a charge still left) and wouldn't turn back on. I tried plugging it in, taking out the battery and putting it back in, and a couple other things I'd been told to try before finally taking it in to the Verizon store for them to take a "professional" look at it. Basically, the end result was that the guy tried everything I did, and nothing worked for him either.

It's like I just can't keep ahead of the technology curve. It's nice that you can transfer all your contacts and pictures and everything from one phone to another when you get a new phone, even when you switch service providers. But the phones have to be ON for the transfer to take place. It just seems so stupid to me that apparently there's NOTHING they can do for me, and even stupider that the phone would just plain stop working like that, with no previous problems or hints that it was dying. UGH.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Samsung Alias2. But I hadn't been planning on a new phone when the LG was working just fine, and losing all of my contacts and pictures really leaves a bad taste in my mouth to this day. Ah well, life goes on.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

of illness and such

Sooooo remember that trip to the emergency room a few weeks back? The bill arrived at my home in Bakersfield the other day. Can't say that I was surprised but it still hurts like a knife in the back.

$900. Ow. Nothxplzreturntosenderkthxbai. No but seriously. Ow. Once my mom forwards it to my apartment in Rexburg I'll be taking it to the Student Health Center to see if there's anything they can do, considering I *am* on their insurance plan and it was a random set of circumstances. Otherwise I'll be taking out that student loan I really wasn't wanting to take out after all... T_T

Also, Rexburg did one of its crazy mood swings, going from a little on the "too warm" side two days ago to being more than a little on the "too cold" side and nasty rainy yesterday. That triggered a nasty little head cold starting last night that is quickly getting worse. I was supposed to drive down to Salt Lake for Conference tomorrow, getting to see my dad at the same time since he's going to be there as well, but I just don't see that happening if I keep feeling this bad or worse. Not to mention I'm supposed to be singing at Devotional on Tuesday with the combined Women's and Men's choirs and the Collegiate Singers (I made it into Women's Choir by the way, at least THAT'S happy news :D ), but I'm losing my voice! Le sigh. I suppose we'll have to wait and see what happens but for sure I'm stuck in the R-burg for the weekend. Sad day. :/

EDIT 10/05/2009 : So the insurance kicked in, bringing the final bill down to $134. *PHEW*! Still sucks but better than $900!