Wednesday, July 27, 2005

buenas noches

("good night," or "good evening"...just thought i'd keep up the theme since it's still the same day. *shrug* )

i just have to say that being dead tired and sleepy is probably one of the few closest things to being drunk. lol. not that i would know, since i've not had a drop in my life, but the way i feel is much like what being drunk is described to me as feeling. another thing that's probably pretty close to being drunk is coming out of anaesthesia, like when i got my wisdom teeth out. heh, my mom said i was babbling nonsense and wouldn't shut up, and i remember feeling very numb, like time was passing in different intervals every second. it's probably a good thing i'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and don't drink, because i'm sure that if i were to ever even have as much as a shot of something weak i'd either be stuck on the ceiling or conked right out. :P

my real intention for writing a second entry today though is that i am extremely excited and almost stress-free for the first time all summer. as of today, i have a spot in an off-campus apartment back at school all set up, i have a job lined up, and i'm registered for all my classes. i have to talk to my advisor so that he can help me rearrange the timing of a couple classes in order to free up my mornings for work, but other than that i am all set to start up school again in the fall. i'll have enough money to pay for everything i need to, and a little extra to start saving up for a car next summer! is good. everything is beginning to come together at last, and it feels so good to be relaxed for a change.

thank you...that is all. iWork in an hour and a half.

buenos dias

("good morning," for those who are lingually challenged ;P )

hey look, an update! let's poke it with a stick and see what happens!


right. i promised to rant about work awhile back, did i not? well, to begin with, that smiley i just posted pretty much sums up how i feel right now. i just got back from work about half an hour ago, if you can believe it. yes, i worked from midnight to 8 am. fun times, eh? i'm really tired but i have to make some phone calls so i can hopefully have a job set up for when i go back up to Idaho for college in a few weeks (and they seem to be dwindling faster and faster *sigh* ). anyways, i'll talk about school later. this is about work, so back to that. i work for a company called Pactiv, which used to be called Tenneco, which used to be Mobil Technology or something like that. Pactiv makes all kinds of products, with their main client being Hefty. it would take too long to list everything our compnay makes, but suffice it to say that my specific plant makes different types of foam products, and not just for Hefty. i would describe the machines and how the foam goes from gigantic rolls of plain sheets to being various sizes of plates, bowls, and trays, but then i'd have to kill you. ;D besides, i don't deal much with the main machines. my job is to take stacks of product that has already been counted (and sometimes already bagged as well) and put it in boxes or on flats. boring, easy, and not very much fun. the only cool part is that i am starting to learn about the machines and how to fix it when problems arise, so it's not ALL just foam packing. the biggest thing is that it's shift work, which means i work a different shift every week, instead of just working 8-4 Monday through Friday. this week, i work the graveyard shift, which is midngiht to 8. last week i worked from 4 pm to midnight, and next week i work from 8 am to 4 pm. weird, huh? the other weird part is that i never get a full two days off, so the day i start changes. when i first started working this summer, i was working Tuesday through Saturday, but this week it's Sunday through Thursday. so yeah, that's my job.

now, off to bed.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

well this is fun!

wow...sometimes i amaze even myself. but i can't take all the credit for this one. no, my friend in Utah deserves most of the credit, as he is the one who taught me what little html coding i know. i'm finding that all you need is a little, because once you catch on it's easy to follow, especially if you pay attention to the coding aroung things you recognize. take this very blog for instance. you'll notice to the right there are different categories: Links, Webcomics, and Archives. a moment ago, there was only "Links" and "Archives," but i figured out how to add the other one in myself. i also figured out how to add the links underneath each category into the template. if you have no idea what i'm talking about, i apologize. i'm a bit of a computer nerd and this is really exciting for me to be able to do stuff. ;P


Sunday, July 10, 2005

manual tranny

wow. there was a time in my life when, for whatever reason, be it laziness or fear, i hated manual transmisssions and refused to learn to drive one. never again will you catch me even thinking such thoughts.

yesterday was some good fun, lemme tell ya. first, my friends and i got together in the early afternoon to sign one of those huge birthday cards for our friend in the Dakotas. he's on his 2-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (most people refer to us as "Mormons"), and he's almost been out for a whole year. after that, we hung out for awhile, playing video games and stuff, and had dinner at a local Chinese buffet. good times. but the best part was at 11 pm. most of my friends drive cars with manual transmissions, and i've been wanting to learn for awhile, because i at least want to know how. *shrug* so they took me to a stretch of road that's behind a closed road sign and doesn't lead anywhere yet, and started teaching me there. well, now i know why those who drive stick swear by it. :D besides being a challenge, which i enjoy, it was a rush. first gear is definitely hard, but i'm starting to get it, and at the very least, now, if someone really needs me to drive their manual car home or something, i could do it.

Friday, July 08, 2005


ok, i'm gettin' the hang of this, and it's kinda fun. i should warn all you "leg-humpers" out there that i made this blog to record personal information, thoughts, and rants, but not THAT personal. :P call it a journal of sorts...i should keep one more often for posterity, but i never find the time to handwrite anything. since i'm online regularly, i might as well do something useful while i'm at it. *shrug*

so. anyone who doesn't think the 4th of July is the best holiday of the year must not be a pyromaniac. here's a shout-out to all the pyros, and a hope that you were at least somewhat safe and sane this past week. ;D and another shout-out to the lawmakers of the U.S.A. as much as i hate the fact that they banned Piccolo Petes and those little Bloomers in my city, they're just trying to keep people from getting hurt. for those who don't know, the reason certain fireworks like the ones mentioned have been banned, as well as multiple others that haven't ever been allowed to begin with, is because some people get a little too excited and forget to be smart while they're playing with fire, if you'll pardon the pun. the Bloomers were allowed last year, and apparently someone here in Bakersfield rigged a bomb and forgot the number one rule of doing so...light and RUN!!!! of course people are gonna get hurt if they don't know what they're doing, and those who let their kids get ahold of them obviously just aren't responsible enough. i mean come on...sparklers are banned because a child got burned because their parents didn't watch them close enough. i could go on for pages and pages, but the bottom line is, if you're going to play with fireworks, be responsible, and don't make those of us who are smart have to suffer for your lack of responsibility.

that said, here's what my friends and i did on Monday. :D i, being the forgetful ditz i can sometimes be, completely forgot to pick up my paycheck on the Friday before. i had to work from 4pm to midnight on the 1st of July and completely forgot to get my paycheck beforehand. needless to say, they were closed until Tuesday, leaving me with not enough to buy pyro toys. *sadness* the rest of my friends didn't have enough either (well, Cody did, so we lit some of the stuff he had as well as what follows), and so it's a good thing we still had some powder and Petes leftover from last year! yay! because everyone knows you don't actually light Piccolo Petes, you just get the powder out of them. so anyways, we made some little *cough*bombs*cough* and lit them off. the first one was a little 20 oz bottle filled about 3/4 full of water, with some space between it and the bag of powder at the top. for those who have heard of this and wondered if it would actually work, believe me, it does. the bottle shoots straight up in the air like a rocket, so if you decide to do this, look up. lol. we did the best one last, with a 2-liter and no water. anything that sets off car alarms within a 500 foot radius deserves a round of applause. *claps*

*sigh* good times. good. times. :)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

what can i say...

no really...what can i say? lol. this is my first blog thing, and i really don't know exactly what to put here. for today, i'll just start by saying that, as my URL address says, i'm not your average chick. more explanation on that later. it's almost 10:30 at night here, and i have to work the graveyard shift this week at the foam plant i work at. so i'm gonna go get ready for that, and rant about my job later. :D