weekend fun
it's amazing how much fun you can have when there's no major projects hanging over your head. :D i did some fun stuff yesterday with some pics to show it.
first, i went over to my bro's apartment and we carved pumpkins. nothing too exciting but it's always fun for me since Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. it's the one time i can dress up like a Jedi and not feel too much like a nerd. (even if i still really am lol.) so we ate Taco Time and Oreos and carved our pumpkins, and it's a good thing i took this pic because now it's unrecognizable. :*( i picked a pretty tough, highly detailed pattern and it was so small that i cut through several places i wasn't *supposed* to by accident. so now it looks horrible. ah well.

after bringing the pumpkin back to my house, my roomies, some friends of ours, and went out to my ward's second counselor's little ranch way out in the boonties of Rigby, Idaho. he has three horses, one that's 24, one that's 13, and one that's 3 and barely broken in. i rode the 13-year-old one and had a blast. he's a little more ornery than the other two, but my little experience i've had with how to handle horses helped me show him i was in control and it was a good time. :D yay! i'm a cowgirl! :P

and last, but not least, my roomies and i had a "roommate bonding party" last night. we had chocolate fondue with pretzels, pound cake, fruit, and marshmallows, and played "chubby bunny" with the marshmallows, which almost resulted in me choking to death from laughter. and of course, we did all the "girly" stuff like hair, makeup, and nails. that resulted in me finally using the hair dye i bought a year ago out of feeling rebellious. note the difference in the cowgirl pic and the following pic. i'm still in shock over my spontaneity. i look at my hair and go "gah! that's not mine! oh wait...it is..." O.O
i must be insane...
my roomies finally talked me into using the hair dye i bought last year. tonight is the first time ever i've dyed my hair. fortunately they say it looks awesome and really not unnatural, but still...
O.O <---- me, still in shock. i'm turning into a real
girl and not just a tomboy anymore...but don't worry, i still like cars and blowing stuff up. :P i'm just so amazed at my spontaneity these days.
oh! Daylight Savings Time ends tonight...i get an extra hour of sleep! *sets clock back and zonks out*
ok, i just decided today that not only do people not know how to drive around here, but people do not know how to WALK either! >_< and the combination of both is really starting to get on my nerves.
to start with the drivers, there are VERY few places in Rexburg where the speed limit goes above 25, and when it does change, it's only 35 at the most. even someone who'd never been here before would be able to see the 50 billion limit signs posted every 5 feet or so and follow them. but no...people go whipping by at 40+ because they're too lazy to get up in plenty of time to find a parking spot. they pay no attention to the fact that people are constantly crossing the street to get to class, and they don't seem to understand that when a person is in a crosswalk, you STOP to let them cross!
which brings me to the second half of my rant. i am finding that pedestrians don't seem to know the function of a crosswalk. this is partly because people are too lazy to walk a few extra feet to use one, and instead choose to play chicken with the speeding drivers. but what bugs me to no end is watching people stand at a crosswalk and watch the cars go by. how much sense does that make? the jaywalkers pay no attention and just book it across, while the people at the crosswalk just stand there as if they had no right of way! o_0
i had both happen today, one even right after the other. first, i made sure the drivers coming had plenty of time to see me and stop accordingly, then i stepped out. it's a good thing i waited to make sure they were slowing down though, because not only did the person heading East completely ignore the crosswalk rules and go flying by me, but the one going West didn't even slow down either! i had to stand in the middle of the road and let HER go by. >_< then, at the other crosswalk to my apartment complex, this girl just stands there and waits because a van has its turn signal on in the direction of going across the crosswalk. it is politely waiting for her to go by, but she just stands there looking around like "maybe if they think i don't see them they'll just go." i walked right past her into the crosswalk and waved at the van politely. i didn't look back to see if she followed.
ok. rant over. i feel better now. but i still have a headache. -_-
midterm paper
why do teachers insist on giving us long, annoyingly toilsome research papers? in English, papers are expected of us and required to learn the language and practice grammar, which is DESPERATELY needed in today's society. i can understand having to write a research paper in Art History or Religion or even Biology. i'm taking all three of the aforementioned, and none of them are requiring me to write a paper this semester. nope. of all classes, my Graphic Design class made me write a research paper. not only was it required that we
write the paper out by hand instead of typing it, but we had to "design" the paper unlike any other we've ever done. it turned out to be not a big deal at all, but as always, i procrastinated it until Tuesday, and it was due today. it turned out well, i think, but i just don't understand why in a
beginning graphic design class we have had to do SO FREAKIN MUCH. it's fun, but very bad on my nerves. we still have another research project that we have to prepare a 5-minute presentation on and a 16-page brochure project to go before the end of the semester, which is only about 6-7 weeks away. i'm so glad to be done with this paper, but thinking about how little time i have left to do all this stuff that's still coming in my classes is killing me.
i have a headache. >_0
yes, i know that things like this don't work, but i decided to try anyway. all i need is for five people to click the link, and "supposedly" i'll get a free iPod in the mail. yeah right. but it makes good subject material for the blog, no?
free iPod!^^ clicky. or not. this is the one and only time i will try this.
the best car horn ever
until i can get a full-fledged post up here, i'll link ya to a very amusing video i found.
ferry horni would jump, too!! lol!