don't get mad, just get even
I'm a nerd, but let this be a lesson to all of those, geek, nerd, or otherwise, who never really learned about the Golden Rule. For the record, the Golden Rule is as follows: Do unto others as you would like done unto you.
This was on a PS3 seller's listing (edited for content):
i went out wednesday afternoon to the local walmart to start camping out. when i got there, there were already 12 people ther so i got in line being number 13. i talked around and found out the first 6 people there had been there since monday, total hardcore nerds all planning to keep them. bragging about how only they should get the system since theyve been there the longest. how they are so dedicated and how if you dont want to do the time, you shouldnt get a system. generally being complete [punks]. good for them. we had a hours to pass so we became friends and played some cards and whatnot. the 6 guys in front kept to themselves and didnt associate with the rest of us. we were cool with each other leaving the line to get food, bathroom, smoke, etc since we all knew each other and as long as they were back in 30 minutes. i was about to leave to go buy some KFC for a good number of us and when i stepped out of line, one of the nerds shouted that if i left, i would lose my spot. the other guys told him that they were vouching for me and that i was just getting food but those 6 [jerks] didnt care. they said i leave, i lose my spot and that was the rules and they would call the manager (they had his number) to come out and enforce it. i said whatever and stayed in line.
a few hours later, the manager came out and told everyone that there were only going to be SEVEN available. they have them in their store and theyre not getting anymore. he told the people after # 7 they should leave if they wanted to not waste their time. me being number 13 should have left but i didnt, i wanted to stick around for a little bit more. everyone else left except me and the 7 other people that were getting it for sure. so the day goes on and i try to make friends with the nerds. i play mario kart on the ds with them and talk to them about the games they were getting. about an hour or 2 later, i tell im gonnna head home since im 8 in line and theres only 7 ps3s. one of them made some stupid joke about if i leave the line then i aint getting back in!! har har. so as im about to leave, i tell them im going to the vons next door and if any of them wanted any food or coffee and id bring it back to them. one of them said yea and all the rest like sheep followed and said yes too. they were gonna give me money but i told them it was on me since theyve been out here since monday. the 7th guy in line wanted some food and coffee and i told him id buy some for him also.
so i go to vons and buy 8 coffees, some food, and some x-lax laxatives. i bring it to my car and put some laxatives in 6 of the coffees and seperate them from mine and #7s. i pull back to walmart and bring all the drinks and food upfront. i give #7 his stuff and then the coffees with laxatives to the 6 nerds annd wish them good luck and go back to my car. i park it around the corner so i can still see them.
about 30 minutes later, #2 and 3 in line get up and it seemed like they were yelling to the other nerds. they both ran into walmart. seconds later (i guess all nerds have the same biology) #5 gets up and runs across the parking lot and into the trees and bushes somewhere. #1 is scrounging for this portapotty type thing he'd brought with him but he is squirting everywhere and all over his pants and their sleeping bags. he runs into walmart. at this time, i start my car and drive back to the walmart to claim my spot in line. when i get there #4 and 6 are gone but i dont know where. #7 is laughing his [butt] off so hard and i just smile at him. i call up 5 of the other people that i had made friends with that were in line with me ( i had their phone numbers cause i was gonne buy to food for everyone) and told them to get back to the walmart ASAP and get in line. Meanwhile, me and #7 threw all their [stuff] into the parking lot and i claimed my spot as #1, him as #2. 4 and the people i had called arrived and got in line just as 1 of the nerds came running back and got #7. he started yelling saying they need their spots back. we all told them to [back] off, out of spot, out of line. it was all of us against him so he didnt say [anything]. the nerds came back and tried to start some[thing] but we just laughed, we told them it was their rule and to go [clean] themselves and clean the [crap] off their pants. the called security and security came. security man was like [what the heck] is that [freak]in smell and looked at the nerds with [crap] all of them and kicked them off the grounds screaming [LOL]. so that is how i got my ps3.
Proof that the world is getting worse, some guy dressed in a purple fur coat and purple-with-leopard-print hat and sunglasses waits in line for a PS3, buys it, walks out of the store triumphantly, and then promptly drops it on the ground while another guy smashes it with a sledgehammer. All in front of the rest of the crowd who have been waiting in line forever, and some of whom won't even get one because there weren't enough made to begin with.
Here is what I have to say to them:
Stop! Police!
The nerve of some people is beyond me. It snowed for the second time here in Rexburg on Saturday night, and so my old roomies and I decided to have some fun and build a snowman. We got three good-sized balls all ready, but then Lizze decided we should make it a 4-layered snowman, so we added a fourth to the top. As we were deciding what else to do with it, she cocked her head to the side and said "you know, it looks just like the Pillsbury Doughboy." We all looked at it again, and sure enough, it did! So, we proceeded to give him arms, a face, and a belly button, and we took some pics of our new friend. No sooner had we gotten an awesome group pic, when this random guy, way too old to be a freshman, comes running at it yelling "stop, police!" We all giggled and made "oh noes!" faces, thinking he was just messing with us. But no. He kept right on running,
tackled the Doughboy, and then kept going, leaving us to stand looking at the wreckage in shock. Not only that, but they drove by again, yelling "hah! Who got the last laugh?!" What an immature jerk. We rebuilt the Doughboy, but it wasn't nearly as good as the first, as you can see.
Pics are in chronological order, left to right, top to bottom. Click for high res.

Well, I signed up for next semester's classes last night right at midnight, just to make sure the ones I need/want didn't fill up before I could get a chance. I was looking at my weekly schedule and thinking, "dang...what the crap was I on when I decided to be an art major!?" o_O I mean, I know college is supposed to be hard work and all, but here's the rundown on my schedule. Assuming that I actually am a good student and go to class every day and really apply myself at all my homework and projects, I will have zero free time during the week, and possibly not on the weekend either. Work from 8-11 in the morning, class from 11am-5/6pm depending on the day, homework/projects, try to squeeze in something to eat somewhere in there, sleep, repeat. >_<
It will be worth it to have a degree, but it's times like these that I seriously wonder if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be. I mean, the prophet has said that it's good for women to get a degree, but the summer/fall before I started attending BYU-I, I had the chance to be hired onto my temp. job in the State Farm mailroom and I could have been set, pretty much. Did I feel the Spirit wrong? Was that my ideal choice, or is there still more for me here and I just need to stick it out? I mean, there are all kinds of awesome LDS returned missionaries up here, but I have yet to go out on a date that wasn't with an FHE brother "just for fun." I mean, that's half of why I came up here: to find my match. But at this rate, I'll be graduated and have a job back in California before I so much as date anyone seriously.
What thinkest thou, my friends?
my creative side
Well, I took Frank's advice and made a new blog for all my art stuff. I'm working on converting/uploading some stuff, and then I'll post the two flyers I've done, as well as some of my favorite photos. I'll be taking more pictures from now on as well, just as soon as I find my stupid battery charger. This camera drains regular batteries like NONE OTHER, I tell you... >.>
EDIT: first batch uploaded to
My Artistic Approach. Enjoy! Please leave comments.
I've been having a hard time getting past my school's server with the Yahoo and MSN plugins in Trillian lately, but my friend just introduced me to, which is basically the same thing, except all in one browser window. So when I use tabbed browsing in FF, it saves space on my activity bar on the bottom! It's a neat little IM program and I think I'm sticking with it.
all is not lost
Well, despite the rumors that they've canned the movie adaptation of Halo, apparently they're not entirely true. They haven't given up completely on the movie, they're just having troubles with budgets, like all movies with potential for greatness do.
LA Times articleSo it's not going to be as soon as we hoped, but it will eventually happen. And as long as Peter Jackson remains at the reins of the project, I'm confident it will be very well done. Because seriously, if they mess this one up, I'll be very sad. :|
Rant of the Day: Holiday Tunes before Thanksgiving!?
Ok, I'm all for listening to Christmas music all year long...
intermittently. My favorite radio station in Rexburg usually plays a great variety of music, kind of like Pirate Radio in Bakersfield. Then all of a sudden, as soon as it is no longer Halloween, time seems to skip two whole months. They jump right over November, my brothers' birthdays, and Thanksgiving, and skip right to Christmas. All day, every day, from now until January 1st, three of the radio stations that usually play nice listening tunes are only going to play Christmas-related stuff. It would be semi-ok if they played every single Christmas song ever recorded, because there's enough that they would probably never have to repeat any one song from now until January 1st. But no, they play the same renditions of Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman multiple times a day, and there's only so many times you can hear any one song before you start throwing things at the radio and calling them with requests for something...ANYTHING else.
EDIT: That reminds me...Troy's birthday is on the 6th. Crap! I'd better hurry and get his card in the mail!
Take Two
Well, I didn't end up getting a pumpkin. Things like reading two chapters for my Auto class and doing my Religion homework got in the way. Oh and of course I took some pics of a couple of my friends and had them take some of me.
I've decided this Jedi needs to lose some weight. How am I supposed to fly through the air and battle with ease with this... gut thing...out in front? A bike is out, because it's getting very cold and that can only mean snow is on the way. There's always the stationary ones in the gym, but they don't shed pounds very quickly. I'm not supposed to run, because it wouldn't be good on my knees and legs until there's less weight on the top and I have no endurance anyway. Walking...well, I guess that would work. The only trick there is it takes a large amount of walking time to really cut back on the poundage, and I have limited time with all the homework and studying I have to do. :| Any ideas? I tend to slack off on exercise because I get bored even with my MP3 player by my side.