Friday, September 29, 2006


Whoohoo! I figured out the chord which I have proclaimed to be the "chord of death"! Now if I could just figure out how to change chords faster...

That is all.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


It's still a month away, but I'm getting a jump on things this year so I look completely official. So far so Jedi robe from Lucas Arts just came in the mail today. :D Together with my Force FX lightsaber, it will be awesome.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

a lesson in postal etiquette

Rule #1 - When sending a package to a friend or loved one that includes an object that ticks or beeps when turned on, take out the batteries first!

Lol! My mom sent me a package that contained my new driver's license, some other mail that's been arriving in my absence, some Sixlets (my favorite candy), and a metronome. I am SO lucky that the metronome didn't turn on until I picked it up. I mean, can you imagine what would have happened in the post office or whatever?! I work in mail services on campus, which is why I got to it before it would normally be delivered, and I freaked my boss out at first.

"Um, hey Jim? My package is ticking."
"Oh don't worry though, it's just the metronome my mom sent me."

He still wasn't quite convinced, but he let me go without further questions. Lol. It's weird because I just read the policies on anthrax and "ticking" packages and such yesterday. Heh.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I don't know if I've written about the book I'm writing, and I hesitate to elaborate now because it will show just how much of a geek I really am. So, at the risk of completely making a fool of myself, I present to you, the basic outline.

Ok, I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and ever since I was a kid, I dreamed what it would be like to be a Jedi and meet all the characters and be a part of the story. So, I just got it in my head a few years ago that, why not? I started writing stories to get my creativity out on paper that included myself and my close friends and people I know. Soon, I had an idea that would take up an entire novel, and now it's up to three novels I have planned. All starring myself and my friends and family and Earth getting caught up in the Star Wars universe. Sounds ridiculous at first glance, but I promise it's really not that cheesy or anything. If it gets published, you can see for yourself. *shrug*

Monday, September 25, 2006


I've noticed that I only tend to update when I have something really important or interesting to say, which ends up being really long posts and very few and far between. Why can't I just write more often about little things sometimes? I will.

I just finished writing a letter to my friend Chase, who is serving a mission in Washington and Oregon. It's one part handwritten, one part typed up with pictures. I'm doing the second part in Adobe Illustrator, which seems to be the best way to lay out the pics with their captions. It's kinda fun, and it makes me feel more productive while getting some creativity out.

I also feel great that I'm on top of my homework and practicing of the piano and guitar today, rather than being behind and worrying if there's something I've missed. Life is good. I'm gonna go get some Subway.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

a historic day

Well, today has been pretty exciting for me. First of all, the golden statue of the Angel Moroni was hoisted up and put at the top of the Rexburg temple, which is right across from the south end of campus. And I got to watch! I had to work, so I couldn't go all the way to the temple or anything, but that's ok anyway because traffic was horrible and the view wouldn't have been the same. As it happens, my department and I have a good view from right behind our building of the steeple, so we watched as they hoisted people up to help set it in right, and then the statue itself was slowly raised as well. It was all grey and rainy and gloomy, but it was still neat. Especially given the fact that supposedly, the Angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith on this same date, September 21st.

In other news, this cute guy named James sits next to me in my Auto class. The class afterwards is clear across campus, and he quickened his pace to keep up with me as I booked it and we talked after class before our paths split off into different directions. :D