There are times when the downward trend of the world in general just makes me cry. Most of the time, they are tears of fear or sadness and utter disbelief that people can be so cruel and ignorant. But then I get an email from my mom about some amazing story of love and compassion, or, like tonight, I find a link on someone's blog to a story of hope and courage and kindness. It's times like these that I rediscover my hope and optimism for the world. I hope you choke up as much as I did at this video:
quote of the day
When life gives you lemons, freeze them and chuck 'em back hard at life's head.
~ me
So, I've decided it's high time I got in shape. I'm more than a little overweight, and that's a fact. I would love more than anything to go for a bike ride every day after class, but I don't have a bike, for one thing, and even if I did, it would be kinda hard to ride it in the snow and mess that is Iceberg, erm, I mean Rexburg. I've decided to do a rigorous stretch session right when i get home to improve my flexibility and tone up a bit, and then when the twins get home from work, we'll do different exercise routines each day to mix it up so that we don't get bored and drop it. Some days we'll do aerobics like the "dancercize" routines they've been teaching us or Tae-Bo, others we'll go to the gym and work out on the machines and lift weights. Since my money situation hasn't been all that great for the past couple of weeks, I've had no choice but to cut back on my eating habits. That, coupled with all the walking I do up on campus each day, has made me shed a few noticeable pounds, and that's what's motivating me. The walking isn't enough in order to seriously lose weight and get in shape, hence the workout program in the evening. I do need to start eating a little bit more once I have money for food on Thursday, but no second helpings or splurging on foods that I don't need. I hope to at least lose enough to fit into my bridesmaid dress that I bought two sizes too small by the time Amy's wedding comes around in August.
Oh crap, that reminds me; I should probably find out everything the Maid of Honor is supposed to do and get moving on that. I have four weddings/receptions to attend this year...
four friggin weddings! Allison (old roomie) gets married in May, Becca (current roomie) at the beginning of August, Amy (best friend) at the end of August, and BriAnne (sister) in October. Wow.
i = 1337
On the gaiaonline forums, the more you browse and post on the site, the more "gold" you get to buy stuff to dress up your avvie with. (Yes, i'm an anime/manga nerd. :P ) So apparently my current status was trying to tell me something.

So there ya have it: proof that i am 1337. :D
I don't know why, but lately I've been having some interesting dreams. People I've never met in person but whom I chat with online keep popping up in them, my mind putting together a walking, talking person just from the pictures I've seen of them. We act like we've known each other for a long time, or like we're just meeting for the first time by coincidentally being in the same place at the same time. That, or I dream about my close friends from home, and not good dreams most of the time. Occasionally the dream will be about us doing what we always do, but most of the time there's a tornado or an earthquake or an alien invasion, and I never find out what happens after the disaster. Depending on the day, I'll assume it all turns out right or that I lose them forever. And that messes with my head bigtime when I'm up here and they're back in Bakersfield. :|
On the bright side, though, as far as I know, everyone's still doing alright. For those of my friends, online and offline, who read this, I love you guys! Thanks for being my friends and talking to me, even when I'm being weird. :P
I came home from class today to an empty, unlocked apartment again. It was the last straw. I locked the door behind me, locked the window so they couldn't use that either like they usually do, went into my room in the back of the apartment, and waited while cruising the net as usual. Sure enough, about half an hour to an hour later, I heard someone try to open the door, and then start knocking on the door and window because she didn't take her key with her again. And I totally ignored it. She continued to knock, louder and louder, and I heard her try the window. Then the phone rang. I ignored that too. I totally let her stand out there. Eventually the knocking ceased, and I found out later that she went to wait in the lounge because none of the RA's were around to unlock it for her. I took a nap for two hours, and finally answered the door the next time someone knocked. The first time had been Lizze, the second time it was Becca and her soon-to-be fiancee Trent. I totally feel bad now, but I didn't at the time. I apologized to Lizze and told a half-truth that I had napped all afternoon and hadn't heard her knock. I know, I'm bad, but I'm sick and tired of their irresponsibility. :( We're going to have to discuss this sometime soon because I feel otherwise I might just snap and do worse than I did today.
off the hook...for now
Yay! Lizze found my camera. :D It's not leaving my room, because at least I can lock that door at night. :|
it just keeps getting better
So my brand new 7.0 mp Samsung digital camera is missing. The last time I saw it was in the hands of my less-than-responsible roommates. They, of course, claim that the last time
they saw it was in
my hands. Well, that explains why it's nowhere in my room, where *I* would put if if *I* had had it last, right? Right. :| "I'm sure it's in the house somewhere." Ya, and you're going to find it since it's nowhere *I* can find.
The other place I would have left it is in the front room. It's not there, of course; I already looked. The relevance of mentioning it, however, is that someone could have just walked in, picked it up, and taken it while I was in class or something. It wouldn't be hard, since no one except me locks the door at night or when they're the last out of the apartment. Words are not sufficient to articulate my frustration right now, foul or not. We have keys;
all five of us have a key to the apartment. Does anyone bring theirs with them? I raise my hand, the rest just stare back at me like I'm asking them to recite the quadratic formula. Do they even know where their keys are? No, but they're probably buried somewhere in their rooms, where my digital camera had dang well better be, or they get to split its cost amongst themselves. I am so tempted one of these nights to dress in black, put on a ski mask, paint my airsoft pistol black, and slip out my window and around to the front door, barge in, mess up my voice, and scare the crap out of them.
And last, but not least, they have the audacity to think I'm lazy because I can't do the dishes all the friggin time, when they don't keep up with their chores either. Lizze just sat on her butt when I asked for help straightening up the living room the other day of articles that didn't even belong to me, and *I* washed the counters and stove yesterday, not whoever is supposed to. They're trying to make me clean the vanity and mirrors in the bathroom since I "can't keep up with the dishes." There is NOTHING of mine on that vanity. I have to take all of my soap and shampoo and toothpaste and hairspray and everything in and out of the bathroom whenever I take a shower or fix my hair because if I leave anything in there for more than half an hour, they think that they have free reign to use it. And even then I have nowhere to set my stuff because their crap COVERS the humongous countertop. What the crap?!
I'm feelin' a bit better today. And I've decided to follow Frank's example and make my posts more grammatically correct, complete with capitalizations and everything.
Ok, so I'm not feeling so bitter towards the male population anymore and I'm not so depressed as I was when I wrote my last post. What has brought on this sudden change? Well, I found out that my roommate and her fiancee fiancee feels bad that they were originally the only ones going to the Sweethearts' Ball. They didn't want to leave the rest of us behind at home to get all girly and cry and watch chick flicks and hate the world on Valentine's Day/Single Awareness Day, so they're setting the four of us up on dates as well. At first I was very skeptical and flat-out refused because I don't want to go on a date with a guy who is *forced* to go with me, especially if I don't know him that well. But last night they assured me that it would be a guy I know pretty well, like an FHE bro or something, and that it would be fun, and they wouldn't *force* anyone. Heh. So I agreed, and now I'm giddy. :D My bridesmaid dress doesn't quite fit (I bought it a couple sizes too small with the intention of shedding some pounds before Amy's wedding), so I started to panic that I don't have anything to wear, but problem solved! The twins' aunt has a dress just my size and we're going to go get it in IF (Idaho Falls) this weekend. and Jenn works at the beauty college, so she's gonna do my hair and makeup and everything. Now I just need to find some shoes and a couple other things, and I'm going to my first formal! Yay! ^_^